Bolsa Chica Photo Workshop

Sunday April 19th

                    WS-00104 Black-crowned Night Heron
  BISH-00102 Yellow-crowned BishopBISH-00102 Yellow-crowned Bishop



We will meet at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve and photograph the numerous types of bird's that use this coastal sanctuary as a stop over along the pacific flyway during migration. Shorebirds, raptors, songbirds, waterfowl, and a variety of other animals can be found there. After our morning shoot we will break for lunch and then head over to the San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. Here we will try and locate the famous orange and yellow-crowned bishops. This photo expedition is a fun and informative way to learn the custom functions of your camera.

The cost of this full day safari and will be $160.00 . Audubon members $140.00. Space is limited so book early. We will meet at the visitors center on Warner Ave at 7:00am.

For more information please feel free to contact me via email or call 661-406-7689